Not a magic bullet, but…

An offer…

Would you like at least two personalised recommendations to help you know exactly how to begin to design more satisfaction into your career?

If the answer is ‘Yes’ and based on what you’ve read, watched or listened, you think I might be able to help you.

  • Book in for one of my free 30 minute calls ( £149 if I charged by the hour - which I don’t).

  • Fill in the answers to my short pre-call questions.

  • Then relax! You have taken one big step towards figuring out how to make the second half of your career much more satisfying.

If I have a programme that will help you, I’ll let you know about it. (Here is my best value programme, if you’re interested.)

If not. I still give you at least two personalised recommendations to allow you to take a few steps forward in your career re-design process.

It's currently free, so what have you got to lose?



Your time is valuable. And I’m obsessed with using my time valuably.

So, I allocate time to read your responses to the pre-call questions so that I’m prepared to make the most of our limited time together. I also send you reminders.

  • Please put the confirmed time in your diary.

  • And check time-zones if you’re not UK-based.

I promise I’ll message you immediately if I have a life emergency that stops me attending our zoom call. I’m sure you’ll do the same.

Some kind words following the call

Our call really helped me to see the wood for the trees. I can now see exactly why I was going around in circles. I was really surprised how quickly you understood my situation. I don’t want to waste any more time.
— Fred, 50s, Technology
It was a breath of fresh air talking to you. I felt a deep sense of relief that I am not alone in feeling stuck. In such a short time you cleared up a few of my misconceptions about career change.
— James, 40s, Banking
Huge thank you for your time and discussion today. ‘Meeting’ you was a revelation as you so succinctly and accurately captured exactly where my challenges, frustrations and desires are at this turning point in my career.
— Michelle, 40s, Marketing
I stumbled on your website, while desperately searching for an answer to the question: ‘Shall I move yet again for work?’ I feel much lighter after our conversation. I have realised what served me in the past doesn’t necessarily serve me now.
— Chomparani, 30s, Content Creator
I really enjoyed speaking to you and thought your advice was spot on. I honestly felt pretty inspired afterwards. I would love to work with you.
— Anna, 40s, Communications
Our conversation last year made a huge difference for me, giving me permission to think about my skills in a different way. I have since re-trained and am in the process of completing Certification. I LOVE IT. Love it, love it, love it. If there were ever a job that I was put on this earth to do, this is it. The business is new, and it is big and scary and some days I wonder what on earth I am doing, but I love it.
— Selina, 50s, Strategy

Not ready to talk…Have you taken the Joy-at-Work Quiz yet?

Exclusively designed for professionals in their 40s, 50s and 60s who want to feel more joy at work.

  • Answer 15 questions

  • Takes a couple of minutes

  • Get your personalised report analysing your performance in the five influencers of midlife career joy.


Which is your chosen “time thief” (aka social media)?

Connect with me via LinkedIn (I'm there daily) here.

In truth, I just play around with other social media platforms (aka time thieves) for a few minutes each week - but if it’s where you spend time…

  • Instagram - Since I tend to feel inadequate the more time I spend on Instagram, I limit time on there to 30 minutes a week.

  • After years of being afraid to be seen on camera, I took the mask off and you can find all sorts of short content on midlife career design on my YouTube channel.

  • I experiment with the fun side of career change at our age on this Instagram channel - only for serious professionals who don’t take themselves too seriously. You’ve been warned.


“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe