Unedited quotes from clients.

Who, exactly, have my programmes worked for previously?

  • Corporate executives who can’t imagine retiring. Instead, they want to engage in work that really fits them and feels great.

  • Corporate executives who haven’t yet paid off the mortgage - so need to earn highly. Doing more fulfilling and enjoyable work.

  • Corporate executives who can see the writing on the wall. And want to design work that better suits their personality, talents and lifestyle goals…before they need to.

  • Business owners who want to continue doing the work that matters to them and others. But feel less drained at the end of each working day

  • Business owners who’ve just sold their business. And want to deliberately design their next projects to solve problems that matter, energetically and joyfully.


Here’s what some of my previous clients had to say

Are you ready to start a process of discovery that you’ll never regret?

Still not sure?

It might help you decide whether this style of programme could help you.

A little book of career hope

Click here to buy your copy on Amazon or email me if you’d like a signed copy.

Click here to buy your copy on Amazon, or email me if you’d like a signed copy.

While you’re thinking about it, why not learn more by grabbing a copy of my little book of career hope on Amazon

Spend a couple of hours reading stories from others who have already designed more satisfaction and fun into their work, describing themselves as “happier” for it. 

It’s a little book of career hope and inspiration that might just spring you into action. 

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