This mini-programme is not career design - but it prepares you for career design.
Derailed! 30-minute Life-satisfaction Assessment.
A diagnostic tool designed for professionals in their 40s, 50s and 60s who feel career stuck. Get crystal clear on your starting position - so that you can decide the right steps forward.
Many professionals remain career stuck because…
They don’t know where to start.
Instead, they try to start at the end - working out their “dream” work.
And until they know their dream, they remain exactly where they are…
Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.
For the dream to show up and bash them between the eyes (Or magically drop into their Linkedin messages box!)
Until they get so frustrated by doing nothing, they get the urge to take giant leap of faith into the unknown (You’re way too old for that!)
Or resign themselves to the drudgery, boredom or stress of their current work - (You’re way too young for that!)
Instead, start at the beginning. With a smarter, small step towards change - post 40.
Assess how feeling career stuck is impacting you across ten areas of life - in 30mins.
Then, decide what you want to do about it.
Derailed! Reviews
Derailed! is an assessment tool that reveals your current life-satisfaction
Derailed! HOW IT WORKS
Using the Derailed! diagnostic, you’ll answer 100 questions across the ten major areas that influence and impact your work and life-satisfaction rates. Your results show your personalised starting position, from which all successful change begins.
What’s included?
100 quiz-style questions - reveal your work-life-satisfaction
Personalised results - presented in pictures, tables and images.
Video guidance - to analyse your results and prioritise your action-taking.
Light-hearted insights - on work-life design
Serious-minded - career design insights
An online journal - so you won’t forget any aha moments for your future career design.
Three bonus audio experiences:
The first prioritises the areas of your work and life-satisfaction that would benefit most from a little attention.
The second removes the stress blockers around your work thinking patterns.
The third prepares you mentally for change ahead, so that when you’re ready for change, it feels easier.
Even more bonuses:
A special Derailed! discount on The Fierce Emporium one-year career make-over programme.
Life-time access to the Derailed! diagnostic tool so you can re-assess the impact of any changes you choose to make on your work-life-satisfaction.
The Derailed! diagnostic tool has been designed and set in a train station where all the images have been hand-drawn by artist Martyn Pentecost.
Have we met? I’m Lucia.
My former career:
19 years head-hunting career spawned a tiny giant obsession with work happiness.
My midlife career design specialism:
Author of X Change: How to torch your own treadmill
Founder of career consultancy Midlife Unstuck.
A midlife MSc Psychology sparked a quest to unpick the phenomenon of the mid-career slump. And to design an antidote to it.
The antidote to the mid-career slump:
A transformative, online career makeover programme - The Fierce Emporium. Become your own career designer…for the rest of your working life.
Your first class ticket on the Derailed! Express will set you back only £49.
That’s the price of a decent double shot of caffeine, every day for a week.
And, those coffees aren’t going to start you on a journey towards work you could love!