You want to Discover your Superpowers.

But HOW will this all work?

Here’s what you can expect when you sign up to The Discover your Superpowers programme

Here’s what you can expect when you sign up to The Discover your Superpowers programme

Sign up today and you can expect…

  • An extremely focused but fun to work with partner-in-design (if I do say so myself!)

I’ll guide you through each step of your very own Discover Your Superpowers programme to make sure you get the most out of it. Let’s face it, that makes us both look good!

  • A 30-minute kick-off call.

This is a detailed run-through of your programme, where you can ask any questions, and we can get our diaries sorted to commit to future steps.

  • A personalised ‘Discover Your Superpowers’ starter pack.

Everyone likes gifts, don’t they? This golden package will be sent straight to your home address so that we can really start this process in style.

  • Two copies of ‘X Change: How to torch your work treadmill…’

Two copies, you say? Yes. One for you, and one for a friend of your choice. The book is made up of 20 true stories of successful career changes, giving you an insight into the behaviour patterns that underpinned their success - and how this might shape your own.

  • Detailed and structured ‘thinking’ assignments.

These are just for you. Designed to be completed over a number of weeks as we work through your Discover Your Superpowers programme. They are bite-size in nature, so you can even do them on the commute.

  • Two psychological profiling assessments.

Forget Myers Briggs (although hopefully you’ve never even heard of that stuff anyway). I’ve chosen two assessments that are easy to digest, quick to complete, and well-placed to give you accurate and psychologically proven results to help shape your programme outcomes.

  • A 3hour deep dive (via Zoom) into your entire career.

Believe me, you’ve never looked at your career in this way before. You’ve never talked about your career from these viewpoints. You’ve never spent this much time talking about your career at all, in fact. But this is where all the eureka moments happen. You’ll see your entire career in a way that you’ve never seen it before. Buckle on up and hold on tight!

  • 5-6 hours of pattern recognition, behaviour and motivation analysis.

Before you head into meltdown as you ponder the question about where the hell you’re going to find a spare 5-6 hours, I don’t actually need you for this session!

I need to be alone in my office (padded cell) to decipher what’s behind your behind (so to speak) and what’s under your under. This way, I can get to the first draft of your unique Superpowers plan. Don’t feel bad for me being locked away for this, though - this is the most fun part of my work with you.

  • A 30-minute review session.

This is done at your convenience via Zoom, to reach the final list of your 4-6 Superpowers.

  • Final copy of your lifelong Superpowers.

Emailed, posted and wrapped in a pretty bow (if that’s your thing). This is your evidence document.


  • Starter recommendations for your lifelong Career Design Blueprint, with special focus on how to get the hell out of your own way. Yes, that’s a thing. If you move onto my follow-on programme The Reset, we’ll get your full Career Design Blueprint rocking.

  • Starter insights into your Kryptonite. That’s the people, structures, processes and environments that stop your Superpowers being…powerful. So that you can decide what stays and what goes.

Figuring out your Superpowers is the foundation of a new career design that could prove to be very fulfilling, for a very long time. Let’s start now, shall we?

The Discover your Superpowers is a unique done-for-you AND done-with-you programme.

The Discover your Superpowers is a unique done-for-you AND done-with-you programme.

Let’s talk money.

If you can find this programme run anywhere else, in a way that fits you better than I know this one will, then tell me.

This is a bespoke programme, run by a midlife-specialist (me) who supports you throughout our work together, rather than taking your money and leaving you to your own devices.

This is the one and only Discover Your Superpowers programme.

And I guarantee you that the value you get will last a lifetime after your payment of £1,979 clears in the bank.

(I no longer offer this programme as a stand-alone programme. It has been integrated into The Personal Redesign programme.)

Am I ‘the one’?

If you choose to work with me, you’ll need to feel comfortable sharing some important stuff with me. You can do what you’d do when going on a blind date (instagram the hell out of me), or, you can have a look through my website, explore testimonials from really happy clients, or just pick up the phone and ask me some questions.

And in the interests of me being my true self with you, please bear witness to the single most excruciating moment from my early career change. It still makes me cringe when I watch it, but…I’m doing this for you.

Ready to trust?