5 Questions worth asking (and answering) - if you're feeling career stuck

Being stuck somewhere in your career you don’t want to be is awful. By asking and answering a few key questions - the problem begins to unknot itself.

Being stuck in a career you don’t enjoy is awful. By asking and answering a few key questions - the problem begins to unknot itself.

Good intentions

Any progress towards more satisfying and fulfilling work in the future, hinges on our ability to ask the right questions, at the right time. 

But, what’s annoyingly difficult for us to figure out, is which questions are most valuable to help us focus and move forward. 

Endlessly circling wrong questions

In my daily work, I see smart, successful professionals in their 40s and 50s waste endless days, weeks, months, or even years trying to figure out answers to two styles of questions:

  1. Questions they can’t answer yet

  2. Questions that don’t help them at all

These questions are useless. 

Time wasters.  


They fool them into thinking they’re tackling the problem, when in fact...

These questions keep them stuck...exactly where they are…exactly where they don’t want to be.

Asking certain questions just leave us circling around the problem forever. Asking the right questions and working hard to answer them leads us in the vicinity of potential solutions.

Asking certain questions, leaves us circling the problem forever. Asking the right questions and working hard to answer them, leads us towards potential solutions.

The questions that lead to answers

There’s another style of question that’s much more valuable:

Questions you’ve either forgotten, or are too afraid, to ask. 

But, these are bloody hard questions to answer.

Even when we're brave enough to ask them.

Of course, you know what I’m going to say….it’s these questions that hold the magic. 

Note: Don’t read on unless you really want to take action.

If you’ve read this far, you’re likely want to get started right now. Asking and answering these questions will kickstart your journey towards more satisfying work.

5 Questions Worth Asking and Answering

Here are five main questions I see my clients forgetting, or avoiding, asking themselves

Of course, once you’ve read them, you’ll then need to decide whether you are willing to do the thinking required, to figure out the answers.  

  1. When was the last time I felt deeply satisfied, happy or fulfilled at work? (Be specific)

  2. Which very specific skills and strengths do I want to use on a very regular basis, to allow me to feel satisfied with my work every day, or as often as possible? 

  3. If I’m still feeling the same as I do now in 12 months, what will the fallout look and feel like?

  4. If I felt happier and more fulfilled at work, how would the rest of my life improve/change? Family life? Work-life balance? Relationships? Finances? Sleep? Mental and physical health? (Be specific)

  5. What’s stopping me from writing down the answers to these questions right now, beginning to learn what I need to, so I can finish somewhere better?


Then make the decision that’s right for you.

Is now the moment you decide to do the work to set you on a different path with your work…or is it better to put it off for some other year?

I promise you, You’re not too old and it’s not too lat

Final question…

What’s wrong with right now? 

Click the image below to download a pdf of this article, including the 5 questions, to start designing more satisfying, fulfilling and joyful future work.

If you know you need to change and want to find out more about how I can help, book a free, 30 minute, Light at the end of the tunnel call now.

Hey there action taker…

Click this image to download the questions directly to your inbox.


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