Embracing an alternative exit towards a new dream (Aoibhe’s story)

Aoibhe, 40s, well-planned new career strategy - even without the luxury of a financial exit package - brings excitement where fear once reigned supreme.

Decision-making can be complex around career change in our 40s, 50s and 60s.

Aoibhe had felt stuck professionally for a while.

Over her 18 year career in the global chemicals industry, she’d helped many people through lots of change. She understood change intimately.

But the conversations inside her head were confusing.

She was clear she wanted to change career - but wasn’t sure exactly what shape of change she needed to feel right.

She also wasn’t certain how much change she could cope with personally.

And because she understood change so well, Aoibhe knew that change takes energy. 

Whispered inner worries

  • She asked herself if now was indeed the right time to delve into what she wants and needs to feel deeply satisfied?

  • Shouldn’t she wait until she feels more ready and more energised?

  • Her whispered internal voice also wondered if she was strong enough to make the necessary change?

She decided that doing it alone would be too hard.

Finding the right help

After connecting with Lucia in another training course, she joined the Never too old, Never too late community.

She’d been reading regular career design insights, via email, for a while, before Aoibhe decided to join The Fierce Emporium. 

After opening the door to The Emporium

In the early weeks, Aoibhe dived into the structured tasks to begin assessing her career to date and started to unpick exactly what she uniquely wanted to offer the world in terms of her Superpowers.

She got crystal clear on her personal style of Kryptonite

And discovered some of the behaviours and mindsets that were keeping her stuck. 

Then, the experimentation phase of the programme created the necessary momentum. 

Her dream had been decided - she new she wanted to do more coaching in her future life.

On her own terms.

In her own style. 

It was during the experimental phase when Aoibhe realised that she had been holding out for and hoping to receive a financial redundancy package. So she tackled this head on.

And in doing so, discovered that her company of 18 years was not prepared to lose her wisdom and expertise. 

Initially, this was a huge disappointment.

But Aoibhe transformed her disappointment into her “now-or-never moment”.

This enabled her to begin negotiating a win-win exit plan - to support both the company’s requirements and her own.

Results and the future

There is never just one door that you could take when considering career change in your 40s, 50s or 60s. Doing the thinking in the Fierce Emporium helped Aoibhe to take the right decisions for her and her new dream.

Aoibhe, a continuous learner had completed her advanced coaching training which moved her confidence up another notch. 

She negotiated a mutually-beneficial exit plan that allowed her to recruit a successor and to continue to work part-time during her 12-month notice period. Both Aoibhe and the business benefited. 

While using the rest of her available hours to create her dream business - in ways that will give her the work and life satisfaction she deserves. 

Consciously and carefully-planned career change has allowed Aoibhe to create her dream one move at a time while moving at the perfect pace for her.

Aoibhe’s thoughts on her time in The Fierce Emporium

"I’ve moved from feeling stuck to creating movement and energy in my career. I feel confidence in my decision-making about the future.

I loved seeing others from all corners of the world unsticking their careers - alongside me. It was proof that I wasn’t alone.

I gained the confidence to make exciting decisions that will positively influence my future work satisfaction.”


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