Career design, at our age, is deadly serious work. But it needn’t be dull. Subscribe Joy at work podcast Learn how to design your future differently Take the joy-at-work Quiz now JOIN THE "YOU'RE NOT TOO OLD AND IT'S NOT TOO LATE" COMMUNITY (FREE NUGGETS every couple of days) Articles On Designing your futURE BETTER - from so many angles it hurts my head Buy the book: 8 secrets behind happier work - for Generation X Tedx Talk - THE Thing that required most bravery in 2022 Design your next decade to be your best yet. The Personalised Redesign (One-to-one 3 - 6 month optionse) The Fierce Emporium - One YEar to Transform your career (12 months: DIY learning Plus Group Consulting) Assess your work-life-satisfaction NOw (30mins: A Serious Diagnostic with a little humour built in) And, something ridiculous. ` Loochia (My alter-ego) - on INstagram Seen enough? Let’s chat to see we’ll be awesome or awful together. Book a 30min call