Six common concerns about investing in the "Discover your Superpowers" package

Some of the most common concerns my clients felt before investing in “Discovering their Superpowers”.

Considering investing in the Discover your Superpowers programme? Still not sure?

When it comes to investing in yourself and your future, it’s natural to worry about whether you’re making the right decision (and the consequences of making the wrong choice).

What is my Discover your Superpowers programme? It’s my foundational, step-by-step programme. It will leave you with a clear understanding on 4-6 of your most powerful, very specific, utterly personal, unique super strengths. These are your “Superpowers”.

All of my clients start with this programme.


It gives them the corner pieces of their work-to-satisfy jigsaw puzzle.

Locking down their Superpowers is the biggest “AHA” moment I witness in every single one of my clients.

The fog of uncertainty lifts, and the framework of their new work story appears.

My Discover your Superpowers programme is the confidence-enhancing, clarity-inducing, essential building block to designing more fulfilment into your work.

We enjoy a bespoke one-to-one morning or afternoon together. Then you’ll get access to several personality profiling tools and guided “thinking assignments”. You can complete these wherever and whenever is convenient. You will also receive a memorable, personalised notebook so that you can keep all of your career redesign thoughts in one place.

Is it for you?

Here are some of the most common concerns potential clients raise about investing in the Discover your Superpowers programme.

Concern 1: ‘I’m not sure I have any Superpowers.’

Most new clients tell me they are worried that I won’t be able to find any Superpowers. Some don’t like using the word Superpowers when talking about themselves.

My advice: 

There’s not a person in the world who doesn’t have Superpowers. As you’ve gone through various career moves, promotions, new positions or possibly new companies, it can feel like you’ve moved away from doing some of the things that you used to be very good at.

  • Some clients feel that they have lost a little of their old confidence. They struggle to sell themselves when they need to.

  • Others have plenty of confidence. They just can’t seem to package it in a way that feels right for the long-term.

As a child, you developed unique skills and talents. Over time you have honed and used them often. You have used them throughout your career in various guises.   

When you use them, these super-powered skills come easily to you. But, because they come easily to you, you struggle to give them the value that they deserve.

That’s why you need someone skilled in seeing through the stories you tell yourself.

Someone to reframe your uniqueness in a way that that you see their value once again and see their potential.

You might find these articles helpful:

Concern 2: ‘It’s too expensive.’

Some of the Midlife Unstuck community members tell me they love the idea of the Discover your Superpowers programme. They would love to invest if they could – but they think it’s too expensive.

My advice:

If you’re stuck in a career that is not fulfilling – or have made a shift which isn’t working out how you hoped – it’s understandable to be nervous about investing in yourself.  

The Discover your Superpowers programme is no ordinary, off-the-shelf career coaching process. It’s entirely bespoke. It cannot be mass produced. PLUS it offers the crucial, foundational elements to building your future career – one that’s more fulfilling, more satisfying and a heck of a lot more fun.

It stops you wasting valuable time wondering which way your career could, or should, go.

You’ll gain the confidence to start making decisions on how to build more satisfaction into your current, and future, work.  

The Discover your Superpowers programme is an investment into your entire future working life. Even if you were to only feel the benefits over the next 12 months, the cost works out at less than £2.50 per day - far less than the price of a decent cup of coffee, a gym class or a daily newspaper.  

Even if you’re on a budget, it’s a really cost effective personal investment.  

Still concerned? Read these articles:

Concern 3: ‘I don’t have enough time.’

Some individuals who work in big corporates tell me that they love the idea of discovering their Superpowers. They feel they’re too busy with commutes, business trips, long hours and then home commitments, that they can’t see where to find the time.

My advice:

Do you want more satisfying and fulfilling work?

Do you want to stop worrying what the next chapter of your career will look like?

If so, you need to get your brain off your current work treadmill, to see what your new world could look like.

That means:

  • Narrowing your focus - what very specific assets, skills and strengths do you have to offer,

  • Discovering your uniqueness in an ever more competitive,

  • Gaining clarity on the language you need to use to attract more enjoyable work.

It’s great to be busy. But if you’re firefighting at the expense of future-proofing your career, it is highly likely that there will come a time when someone else will choose your future career moves. 

(These articles touched a few nerves when I published them: 50-year old corporate toast and Fired at 50).

One full working day. That’s the total commitment of time required. PLUS this time is spread out over a number of weeks and weekends. 

If you are anything like me, you hate wasting time. 

Each of the thinking assignments are designed to be done little by little, on a commute, between meetings, in bed, or wherever you get a spare 10 minutes.  

Each one-to-one session requires a 3 hour time allocation. This way, we have enough time to dive deep. But, for most of us, it’s a joy to talk about ourselves for that length of time, so I hope you won’t find it a hardship.

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Concern number 4: “Can’t I do this by myself?”

Yes, you can.

I’ll say that again.

You can.

There are lots of individuals from the Midlife Unstuck community working their way through my free how-to articles and discovering their Superpowers alone.  

My advice:

It takes a great deal longer without an experienced partner-in-design to pull out the necessary awareness, to challenge your limiting beliefs, and to help you get out of your own way.  

Only you will know whether you have the self-awareness, focus, time and tenacity, to go it alone.

beautiful book pen

Concern 5: ‘I’m not based in the UK.’ 

Some prospective clients tell me they love the idea of discovering their Superpowers. But they’re concerned the process might not work as well via video conference or telephone, as in person (I’m based in Guildford, Surrey, UK).

My advice:

All of the thinking assignments are done by you, in your home, on your commute, or wherever you feel most comfortable doing them. 

So, it doesn’t matter where you live.

I’ve conducted the one-to-one discovery sessions via Zoom video conferencing, or via telephone with clients in Australia, Canada, US and Germany and UK over the last year or so. Even when clients live close to me, they sometimes prefer the flexibility, and convenience, of video conferencing.  

To get results, you need to be committed to the process.

The medium for having the conversations, isn’t as important as the time, brain power and energy you commit to the process.


Concern 6: ‘I don’t like talking about myself.’

Some prospective customers tell me they love the idea of Discovering their Superpowers, but they don’t enjoy talking about themselves.

My advice:

Sadly, you can’t avoid this. 

You will have to talk and think about yourself a great deal - possibly more than you have done in a very long time. 

But another thought…

Are you crazy? When in this world do you ever get to talk about yourself for hours on end, to an eager listener?

I’ll be asking thought-provoking questions, doing lots of listening, and taking notes. That way I can come back to my padded cell of an office, and decipher the underlying patterns and meaning. 

I’ll then scribe my first draft of your top 4/5 superpowers, which we will refine after one further short conversation and, voila! That’s it.

You talk. 

I do the pattern-finding. 

That’s the uniqueness of this process. 

I’m not aware of anyone else who offers this service, packaged in such a clear, simple way.

If you:

  • Like the sound of this approach to future proofing more enjoyable work,

  • Want a bespoke programme that speedily gets to the core of which activities you find deeply satisfying, and why,

  • Don’t want to work your way through endless exercises alone…

Then you should consider investing in the Discover your Superpowers package.

Since leaving my old corporate career, (here’s my story on video), I’ve endlessly researched career happiness and work satisfaction. I know that getting clarity on your unique offering to the world, is the foundation of doing work that is more satisfying.

What better place to start?

Next step?

Click here to book in for one of my Light at the end of my tunnel calls to see if we are right for each other. If the available times don’t work for you, email me at and we‘ll work it out.

Feedback from the Discover your Superpowers programme.

“I had so many lightbulb moments while discovering my Superpowers, that I thought I was going to have to start wearing sunglasses!”

Elizabeth, Marketing Director, 40s, South Coast

“Working with Lucia helped me process my thoughts, so that now, I can move forward without doubt. The biggest thing that came out of the process with Lucia, was the realisation that I hadn’t been using some of my real strengths (or “Superpowers” as Lucia calls them), for so long that I thought they were my weaknesses.” 

Josie, HR, 40s, London

“After my time with Lucia, I decided to stop doing what society had been telling me I should be doing and start doing what I really wanted to do. Her “superpowers” session had a huge impact on me. Somehow, she could not only accurately see my strengths, but helped me value them from a completely different angle."

Danny, Finance Director, 50s, Surrey

“Your style of coaching helped to lift my fog of self-doubt, leaving the way ahead much clearer. I found that my plans were not as far off the mark as I’d feared. The attributes that I always believed were strengths are, in fact, super strengths! I particularly benefited from the face-to-face sessions. They really got me to examine what I wanted to do and what I could do.”

Warren, CEO, 50s, London

“Working with Lucia was like a breath of fresh air. I'd been going round and round in circles, ruminating over the same ideas, the same stuck patterns of thought regarding what I might like to do. The positivity, passion and clarity Lucia offers, can really open the gates of possibility for you to change career.”

Colette, Project Management, 30s, Glasgow


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