Lather-Rinse-Repeat. 11 ways to keep doing work that doesn't feel good enough...forever.


Video from TedX of Lucia Knight - how to design your own career happiness

So you’d like to enjoy your work more? You’re definitely not alone.

The Gallup surveys from the last decade show that between 73-86% of us are dissatisfied with our work.

I spent 19 years interviewing professionals who weren’t happy enough in their work.

Then 7 years (so far) researching career happiness, learning the psychology of change and applying design concepts and tools to career design. (Learn more from Tedx Talk)

To create the deepest career transformation programme in the world.

In my last decade of my career I interviewed 2500 people who, to varying degrees weren’t happy enough in their work. And since leaving my former career, I’ve interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people who have changed the way they designed their work and feel sooooo much better.

You can learn how-to design your next decade to be MUCH more satisfying than your last in The Fierce Emporium.

But let’s start with a bit of a silly list of how to stay exactly where you are forever - with not so silly links to articles that tell you how to do the opposite.


11 Ways to keep doing work that doesn’t feel good enough…FOREVER.

  1. Blame someone or something for where you are

  2. Blame someone or something for keeping you there

  3. Don’t ask yourself tough questions like “What the heck do I really want?”

  4. Keep yourself under the radar, play small, and never rock the boat

  5. Keep pedalling fast, until someone stops you

  6. Decide to stay in the corporate long as they’ll let you

  7. Let them decide your priorities

  8. Don’t do anything until the timing is absolutely perfect

  9. Don’t learn from others who’ve been where you are now and made changes.

  10. Ignore the spending habits that might be contributing to you needing to earn the same salary - so that you can do the same type of spending…forever.

  11. Pick a random time in the future when you will be ready think about the future - and hope that you’ll still be here when that time comes

    3 ways to start designing your work life differently now.

  1. Start now with Derailed! It’s a very serious work-life-satisfaction assessment with a little comic-relief built-in. It takes half an hour and costs very little.

  2. Investigate The Fierce Emporium, to redesign your work-life over one year. You’ll move from feeling stuck to being on-the-move, to actually practically making changes that will last a life-time.

  3. Consider working with me one-to-one. Perfect if time is your most precious asset. Or if you’re impatient for results. And need me to do some of the heavy-lifting. This programme is heavy on my time and less heavy on yours.

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