Let’s compare price…my fastest career redesign programme vs the DIY/Group option.
There's a big difference in financial investment between working one-to-one and the DIY/Group programme. To help you decide - here's why.
Expensive vs valuable - a friend’s story
For the last decade, my good friend has used a private travel-agent to organise all her holidays. I viewed this an an extravagant expense, for years. But recently changed my mind…
She runs her own successful business and has a dream of a side-business that she's investing her spare moments in creating.
She has a blended family and enjoys quality time with her wider family.
She loves travelling.
She needs to be 100% in her business when she's working.
And wants to be 100% with her family when she's on holiday.
And she doesn't have one ounce of interest in wasting precious hours booking/rebooking/cancelling/rescheduling/getting refunds from international airlines/hotels when one of her children gets ill, her elderly father goes into hospital, or the snow doesn't arrive in the Alps.
Consequently, she loves having one direct mobile number to call to sort out…everything.
This personalised travel consultant isn't viewed by my friend as an “expense” or “cost”.
He allows her to do the work that she's brilliant at.
He gives her the freedom to be the kind of mum/daughter/sister/step-mum she wants to be - when she's not working.
She views her travel consultant as a "Why wouldn't I?" investment.
And I get it now.
If you're trying to decide whether working with me one-to-one is the right method to design your next decade of work…I'll explain here why I charge a great deal more for my fastest one-to-one programme versus the DIY/Group programme.
Before we start, what's the investment difference?
The 2024 Fierce Emporium starts at £2399 (+ 20% VAT) and is a cracking do-it-yourself programme that trains you to become your life-long career happiness designer.
Here’s everything you need to know about The Fierce Emporium - to help you decide it it’s the right programme for you.
2. My fastest, done-for-you career design programme (The Speedy Sherpa) jumps to £15,000 (+20% VAT)
There are genuine reasons why I charge this amount.
And in the interests of transparency and helping you decide which programme will work best for you - here are those reasons.
Reasons why I charge much more for the Speedy Sherpa One-to-one programme than the Fierce Emporium DIY/Group programme.
There's a great deal more communication with you
When we work together one-to-one, I need to get to know you very well…very speedily…in the first month. I have ways to do this - you essentially become my Mastermind specialist subject!
It still takes time to get under your skin. And to know what makes you tick.
So that all the rest of the work we do together comes from a place of real understanding - not guesswork.
Personalised career design has to be…well…personalised.
In the first month, we spend hours together on zoom. So that every minute we invest thereafter has increased value.
I ask you questions about your career and life in the past and present - so that I can help you connect the dots to your exciting future work situations.
So why does this cost more?
It takes so much time that I can only take on a small number of one-to-one clients each year.
Your communications to me are prioritised.
Time with you is prioritised.
Time working on your future career design, when you are not in the room, is prioritised.
I can only do this with a very limited number of clients.
There is zero one-to-one time included in the DIY/Group programme. Which is one reason why it's 6x the investment.
You get an accountability partner, and proven methods - bespoke for your unique situation
The most common feedback I get from The Speedy Sherpa programme is some version of :
"I tried so long to do this alone - but just couldn't work out how."
Making changes in your career (both small tweaks or wholesale directional changes) is a lonely business.
I should know! It took me years to figure out what was wrong, learn how I might fix it and then set up lots of experiments until I landed on the right career model for me. And I knew no one else who was doing it, or had done it - at that time.
One Speedy Sherpa client, who'd recently been diagnosed with ADHD after running his own business for 15 years, loved the clarity that our weekly meetings with the clear deliverables.
Here's what he said:
"Each week, we'd conclude another piece of the work happiness jigsaw. I couldn't see the full-picture until half way through but when I saw it, I couldn't help but feel excited - more excited than I'd been in more than a decade of running my own business." Michael, 50s, Finance
Another client, a specialist lawyer who had just turned 50, called our sessions his "jump leads".
Because no matter how he felt when he arrived on our weekly zoom session, he left energised and ready to move the dial on his future work dream forward another step forward.
You get all my proven methods, personalised to your situation, to move faster
I adore my DIY/Group programme (The Fierce Emporium). It took so much of my time, brain, money, heart and creativity to create it in 2019/20 that I see it almost as my third child. #notkidding
But the speed of movement in the DIY/Group programme is completely driven by the individual.
And progress is often slowed (unsurprisingly) by poorly children, elderly parents who need help, personal illness, trying to be a decent partner, holidays or just a week when you feel demotivated (we're all human).
So when we work on a one-to-one basis, I always know where we're heading. So, I can set you up for success.
I can swap adjust the weekly tasks depending on what's going on in life.
We can do double sessions one week if you're to be on holiday the next.
We speed through if you've got more motivation and time in a particular week.
We can pull back if you're feel ill.
I can show you ways to do the light version of certain tasks.
Or if you're inspired and have time, I can show you the most creative versions of certain tasks.
In essence, no-matter what happens we get to where we need to go - always within three months.
Because, by investing in the Speedy Sherpa, you decide that your future career is one of your biggest life priorities - for three months. And you become a huge priority for me - for three months.
One caveat. I hesitate mentioning this because it's personal - and one of the worst things that can happen to a human. One Speedy Sherpa client sadly lost one of his parents while we were working together. We paused immediately. And began again 4 months later when he was ready.
I know with certainty that we have designed my new work-life in a way that brings me happiness, fun and financial security. it’s such a liberating and incredible place to be - her methods work. I'm left with not just a decision on direction that excites me, but tools and a framework to make sure I continue to make the right career decisions in future. Marie-Claire, 40s, Business owner
There's a great deal more behind-the-scenes help
During the first 4-6 weeks we'll stick to my proven methods. During the second half of our time together, every client has different requirements.
Whether it's:
discovering your Superpowers;
nailing your Kryptonite;
figuring out how to reduce the natural fear of failure;
helping you research a new industry;
connecting you with people in my network;
CV/Resume consulting;
one-page business planning;
job search strategising;
drawing your personal network; or
creating a life-long networking strategy that fits with your personality, you'll get extra help from me.
Because every client chooses a prototype for their new career design based around their unique Superpowers, their personal Kryptonite, their own values, the problems they are truly excited to solve and their personal life-style goals.
For example, one Speedy Sherpa client asked if we could spend a portion of our full-day, face-to-face consulting session working on her CV. So we did.
Here's what she said:
"We spent less than an hour, sitting beside each other on two laptops redesigning my old CV (resume). And while it wasn't enough time to finesse the CV - collaborating in this way meant I got to see inside the head of an ex-head-hunter. I now have the makings of a CV that will repel the wrong people and magnetise the right people." Erin, Bio-tech, 40s.
You get on-demand training - then we do “it” together
I run, on average, one live masterclass per quarter for the DIY/Group programme (The Fierce Emporium).
As a Speedy Sherpa client, you get access to those recorded masterclasses at the perfect time for you.
You'll also get invited to any live masterclasses during our time together.
The masterclasses include;
Network like a midlife human;
Advanced networking for midlife humans;
Turning your inner critic voice into a powerful supporter;
Destroy your serious fear of failure with a light-hearted method;
Superpowers in daily life;
Non-boring interviews with midlife humans.
After you’ve watched those classes we’ll then turn all your new learnings into new action - together.
“Thanks for last night’s Network like a midlife human masterclass. As you know, for my entire career, I hated the idea of ‘networking’ so I just avoided it like the plague. Your novel approach has blown me away. And I can’t wait to download the resources and get networking…the Fierce way. That’s something I never thought I say! Jim, 50s, US, Design
I find your Superpowers for you - even if you're not yet sure you have any.
One of the trickiest parts of career design is discovering your uniqueness.
I’ve met many successful people who’ve secretly doubted if they had any uniqueness.
Your uniqueness is uncovered, when we discover your 4 Superpowers.
They form the foundations of your career happiness jigsaw. Many clients in the DIY/Group programme find it time-consuming and a bit of a mind-melt.
I take all the pain out of this with my one-to-one method.
After our deep-dive conversation, I analyse our recorded conversation multiple times looking for the speech, pace and gesticulation patterns that show me your uniqueness.
Alone in my tiny home office, I then spend at least another six hours on this analysis to present you (a week later) with my recommendations for your four Superpowers and a detailed evidence document with proof from our conversations.
Most people say that this is the biggest needle-shifter in their career happiness story. That gives them control and power over the rest of their career.
When you know your Superpowers, you can look at any new business, potential role or opportunity and know - with a great deal of certainty - whether you’ll thrive..or not.
You get out of your own way, sooner…
We humans have an annoying habit of getting in our own way - especially when talking about change. Complex, often emotional, change.
Even when we make progress, we can self-sabotage.
And we all self-sabbotage differently.
When you have a partner-in-design who has studied the psychology of human change, understands commercial practical business and has worked as a head-hunter for 19 years, it's easier to get out of your own way.
Here are some of the areas we work on - whichever are relevant to you.
Silencing your inner critical voice (to free you to enjoy the changes you make)
Getting crystal clear on your personal Kryptonite (to halt repeating patterns)
Understanding your personal version of fear of failure (that keeps you stuck)
Overcoming perfectionism (by understanding what underpins it)
Crushing procrastination (so you move into action)
Understanding difficulty around work dreams (and creation of exciting dreams)
The lack of a bridging story (to connect the dots from your past to your future)
Limited, sporadic networking (that keeps you stuck applying to cold job adverts)
Implementing needle-shifting habits (to let you sprint at more joyful work)
Uncovering the recurring thought patterns (that stand in the way of your success)
Revealing the repeating behaviour habits (that hamper your future joy at work)
“Our work has changed the way I do work...and life!
I understand now how to structure my work to energise me rather than leave me feeling depleted and burned out. I've had more aha moments in our three months together than I've had over years of therapy.
The biggest difference between our work and others is that the approach is very tangible - there are actionable plans. And those plans are bespoke to me, my talents, my personality and the way my brain works. For the first time ever, I have a clear vision of the future.” Donnacha, 40s, US, Advertising
Simply put, you get a great deal more ROI (Return on Investment)...more immediately if you choose to work with me one-to-one.
So there you go.
These are the reasons why The Speedy Sherpa one-to-one career design commands a price that is 6x more than DIY/Group career design.
Working one-to-one with me isn't the right choice for everyone - in the same way that my friend's investment in her personal travel agent isn't right for everyone.
It’s your career happiness. The choice is yours.
I hope that's helped you decide if working one-to-one with with me could be a worthwhile investment for you, or if you think you'd enjoy the DIY/Group programme (The Fierce Emporium) more.
Next Steps?
Check out this overview of all my career design programmes here. Choose the one that seems to fit you best, then download the details - pricing included.
Book in to discuss which programme will suit you best - and to see if we click.