I fear I'll be in the same frustrating position in 5 years—I’ll just be 5 years older! (Cillian’s story)

"My family is the most rewarding part of my life—and the most demanding. I need to keep the financial show on the road, but it’s important to work on my future personal satisfaction too."

The fears of the time-poor

When time feels like the enemy, we naturally wait for a "perfect" moment - when we will be less busy or have fewer demands on our time. That magical time never comes. But real time keeps moving. 

With three kids in elementary school, a frustrating senior management job, and only fleeting moments to think about his future, Cillian couldn’t access a clear vision of a role that might suit him better. One of his greatest fears was ending up stuck in the exactly same position five years from now—and being five years older!

This fear drove him to seek help online, where he came across Midlife Unstuck and the concept of career design. He knew he needed help - sooner rather than later. So, he booked in to speak to Lucia in one of her free introductory calls.

Time was scarce, with family, work and financial responsibilities always looming large. While he really wanted the quick solution, logic told him it would take time…time that he’d have to create or prioritise things differently.

He checked out all of the Midlife Unstuck programmes and decided that the one-year The Fierce Emporium career design program combined with extra one-on-one coaching would help him move forward at a speed he could commit to.

"Even the idea of designing a career was new—and rather wonderful—to me."

Lucia was very clear upfront than the programme required dedication. She would give him access to the learning part of the programme for a year and support him with one-to-one training.

The reality of designing work with limited time - and lots of motivation.

Cillian had to squeeze in learning when his family was asleep.

It took time, but slowly and surely, he began to see how he might shape his career to bring more joy.

As he completed each of the challenges (with video and audio guidance from Lucia) in The Fierce Emporium, he gained a deeper understanding of how to design a better future.

In his one-on-one sessions with Lucia, they got crystal clear on his four Superpowers, his personalised Kryptonite and started to shape a vision of his ideal new direction.

A surprising spanner in the works

Then, something unexpected happened.

His boss, whose leadership style had represented his Kryptonite, got a new job - outside his company.

Suddenly, a weight lifted.

New possibilities opened up.

Cillian felt the path had cleared for him to put his newly-acquired career design skills into action. To experiment with them. And build them into his daily work.

Finding time to do important work in the present to make the future brighter is never easy.  While still earning well in his full-time role, Cillian made decisions on his future work while also getting "some day projects" off the ground. 

What happens when other see you at your best

Before leaving, Cillian’s boss made an unexpected recommendation: she suggested that he be promoted into her role.

Surprised but pleased, Cillian found that with more freedom, he could shape his daily work in ways that were less draining.

He could use his Superpowers more often. And by doing that he took charge of his performance in a way that wasn’t possible before. And others soon noticed.

"People around me saw me operating at my best more often. That made a huge difference."

Soon after, the company announced yet another restructure.

But this time, it was different. Cillian was recognised for his value and the board asked what they could do to ensure he stayed.

"This was a great opportunity to design my current role to be much more satisfying—even if it’s not the perfect place for me long-term. It was a big opportunity."

As the primary earner, Cillian knew he had to stay in his current role until he could design his dream future career.

He didn't love the work - but he did it well, and it paid well.

And now, with more flexibility, he could make it work for him.

The "Someday" List

This newly-created flexibility worked very well.

It created an opportunity to point some of his new energy at the end of the working day towards exploring long-neglected interests.

Personal projects that had always sat on his "someday" list were finally coming to life.

"I’ve completed the first draft of a children’s book and sent it to experts for feedback. Next, I’ll look for an agent and work towards getting it published."

Cillian also started volunteering for a political depolarisation organisation, attending their national conference and training as a moderator. He even led a local workshop, and secured another into his diary for the future.

Though unpaid, this work energised him.

It brought joy and connection with like-minded people. It opened new doors to new opportunities that simply did not exist before.

"Who knows where this will lead? It’s energising, meaningful work."

Was it worth the investment?

Cillian used little pieces of time very valuably to design his version of fierce work inside the Fierce Emporium - with extra one-to-one sessions with Lucia. 

On reflection, at the end of his time learning how to design his future career, his one-on-one conversations with Lucia had lasting impact.

They helped him clarify his Superpowers and Kryptonite more quickly than he could do alone. She gave ideas and suggestions for change that he hadn’t considered alone and she helped him sharpen his job search, resume, and LinkedIn profile.

"These are skills I’ll benefit from long into the future."

Though the passing of time still worried him, it now also motivated him.

With limited time, every moment had to count.

His family remained his greatest reward—and his biggest responsibility.

Final thoughts

"My current job isn’t perfect, but it’s so much better than a year ago. With more freedom to design my work, even using my Superpowers 10% more gives me more energy for my family. And my dream “someday” projects are becoming a reality."

Cillian feels time-poor time, but he’s taking small, consistent steps to ensure his future remains a priority in his present. While juggling a busy family life, a full-time career and a range of legacy and passion projects that are now in motion.

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  • Kara’s story: How a stellar career is almost derailed by a narcissistic boss - and the fierce comeback

  • Dana’s story: A failed attempt at early retiremet prompts a re-think and a novel idea for the future.

  • Adrian’s story: Leaving corporate life behind after an unexpected redundancy.


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Stellar career derailed by a narcissistic boss – and the Fierce comeback that followed. (Kara’s story)