40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Di - Economist, London, 40s

When I signed up to the Superpowers programme with Lucia, I knew that I needed to make work work better for me, but the idea of interrogating what was wrong (and right) with work by myself was intimidating and painful, so I was looking for somebody to help guide me through the process and keep me honest with myself.

Lucia was able to see patterns in my behaviour and links between how I choose to spend my free-time and how I choose to spend time in work that were not at all obvious to me. 

Figuring out my “superpowers” has had all sorts of almost impacts that I wasn’t expecting.  I felt encouraged to deal with a big problem that I had been avoiding. Frustratingly, when I dealt with it, it didn’t turn out to be such a big problem at all. I’m feeling more excited about the future and have more energy than I’ve had for a while, and am already able to be more deliberate in making my current work fit me better. 

Lucia's feedback has helped me find possible ways to not throw the baby out with the bath water, in career terms.  I now have a good Plan A to let me focus on the areas of work that keep me energised and engaged while freeing up the time I need to pursue my other passions: and I know that I can always go back to Lucia to help me navigate plans B, C and D if Plan A doesn't work out.  

Dealing with fear of change is something that needs someone who understands your world but isn't bogged down by your baggage to help you navigate a new path. Lucia has definitely helped me on the road to becoming unstuck.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Laura - Business owner, Sussex, 40s

I have worked in the same industry most of my professional life and I knew I needed a change, but wasn’t sure what or how.

I was hesitant about spending that much on me, but working with Lucia ignited the spark in me to help me take my own needs seriously and do something about it.

I negotiated some small changes in my work-life that were exactly right. And I don’t believe I would have reached this conclusion half as quickly without working with Lucia.

I might want to make a bigger career change in the future, but for now, I feel content because my life feels more in balance with the ‘life’ bit being given the time it deserves.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Elizabeth - Business Owner, Cambridgeshire, 40s

As a midlifer, I want to regret-proof my life. And I felt frustrated because I couldn't see how-to for myself.

I needed a professional who could take me through a carefully designed programme to cut through the thorniness of experience and draw out the gold for me to base my next set of big decisions on. This is precisely what Lucia has done for me - challenged my old ways of thinking and identified my “Superpowers” through observation and listening.

Oh it was uncomfortable at times but just like a gold hunter with her sieve in the stream...we got there by getting rid of the dirt. Now I have the nuggets to hold on to and focus my energy into the next set of work/life experiences.

As a result of discovering my Superpowers I feel more sure about who I am and what I am here to do and I want to enjoy it!

If you are someone who is feeling trapped, overwhelmed, lacklustre in life and you deeply want to discover your unique gifts, work with Lucia!

Lucia will guide you toward soul searching, then tangible results allowing you to own your power.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Candice - Counselling, South Africa, 40s

Lucia is a powerhouse! She has the unique ability to skilfully provide you will the tools to facilitate the achievement of your goals.

She listens intently, commenting thoughtfully, acting as a catalyst for different thinking.

Her programmes offer a brave and encouraging environment where your personal growth and development can be fed and nourished.

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40s, 50s Lucia Knight 40s, 50s Lucia Knight

Jeff - MD Thoughtcraft, US, 40s

I've been looking for and thinking about doing some type of career coaching for a long time - too long probably. My work had felt kind of empty. And it was starting to scare me because, I'm pushing 50 and it didn't seem like a good place to be in for the rest of my career.

I've done things like this before and they've never quite stuck. But I've never done it one-on-one with someone. Having that outside perspective really helped me get an objective view of what my Superpowers are and how they really can help others and, and what value they bring to the table.

And now when I think about my my work future, I feel a lot more confidence in not only what I'm going to do, but that I can do it, that I can bring that to the table. There's so many more options that have opened up to me, now that I can see the objective value, and fun that I can have with the things that I do well.

I think if you're coming up until a point in your life and you're thinking, "I don't want the next 10 years to be like the last 10 years" or "I want the next ten years to be even better" or "I'm not totally satisfied", I would really recommend you talk to Lucia.

It's been real eye-opener for me. And so valuable to have someone who is not only an objective outsider, but someone who has studied this whole phenomenon and made this her life's mission.

She comes at it with not only with compassion and empathy, but also she knows what she's talking about.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Mike - FD, Surrey, 40s

A year ago I decided to invest properly in working out what I wanted to do with the last 15 years of my career journey. I worked with Lucia to help me straighten out some of the loops that I was going through that stopped me moving on.

When we had finished I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do which matched up with my values, my strengths and my preferences.

After making this investment I did nothing with it for a while until my current role became at risk. When I started to look for my next step all of the work with Lucia clicked into place, it made my next role search more targeted, my pitch stronger, my strengths more evident and my passion at interview clear.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Ina - MD, Switzerland, 40s

Even though you came highly recommended, I hesitated around the decision to work with you - to be honest, the price felt steep. But after some research, I realised it was the market rate for this type of personalised consulting.

In terms of research on your personally, I listened to several of your guest interviews on podcasts and I felt that you were business-minded yet real. Some of your comments resonated deeply with me and they closed the deal.

During the process, I felt that you really listened and dug deep into my answers. I felt engagement and a real desire to do a good job for me. Even though I felt some skepticism initially, I feel certain that you have found my Superpowers. I was very surprised by one - but it made SO much sense and the others made me feel validated and liberated.

I now feel inspired and ready to move on. I've thought for years that I have nothing left in me and that I'm totally disinterested in my work. You've made me realise that this is so far from the truth.

If I can achieve what I've achieved so far in a job I dislike, imagine what I can do in work that I love!"

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Jo - Nursing, London, 40s

I think I had an expectation that there would be a moment, where I’d have an epiphany, a moment when I’d discover “OMG, I’ve always wanted to be an X” and I felt a bit of a failure for not knowing the answer.

One of my major learnings is that this type of change is a process. It’s not about looking for that thunderclap moment. I can now see a direction I want to go in and a path towards it.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Joanne - Social Media, Surrey, 40s

After feeling stuck in my role for some time, one weekend I devoured most of Lucia’s website and then dropped an email saying Helllpppp!!!!

And help is exactly what Lucia did, beyond anything I could have imagined. I signed up to Lucia’s Superpowers programme, a 1-1 series of sessions with some extremely deep-dive exercises in between that really get to the nub of the key things you need to be doing in your every day work to thrive and also the “kryptonite” you need to reduce as much as possible to let those superpowers rise to the surface. Before I even got to the mega 3 hour 1-1 with Lucia which I can only describe as your own long LP version of Desert Island Discs, I had found so many a-ha moments, career highlights I had forgotten that that I realised were at the heart of what gave me work-joy, how positive patterns of behaviour that had been ingrained as a part of me since childhood were now missing and how for me, work could never be “just a job” and that I had been trying to kid myself of that for a while.

By the time the whole programme was finished, not only did I have my amazingly detailed Superpowers document - I felt I had regained 3 things, my confidence, my vision and my sparkle and that was the one thing I had said to Lucia at the start that I was desperate to regain.

I have so much energy and so many ideas in my head. I also have the clarity to do what I do well with those ideas, to creatively think through them, to explore all the possibilities and then to start putting some of those ideas into realities.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Mike - Finance, Surrey, 40s

Initially I was hesitant to invest in Lucia's programmes as I was worried that I'd emerge knowing nothing new as I've already done a great deal of work on my personal development. But after working together for two months we have made some real progress - what were remote and shapeless ideas now have some shape, order and priority which makes them more tangible and easier to work with.

We worked through weekly "thinking assignments" as Lucia calls them, to piece together the many thoughts I'd had over the years on overhauling my career. While working together, I dismissed flights of fancy ideas and anything that required a leap of faith. We generated lots of ideas, then narrowed those to the Top 5 which play to my strengths and Superpowers and would therefore make my future work more satisfying and enjoyable. Then I narrowed those to two final ideas and selected the one which had the most realistic opportunity to succeed in the current environment.

I'm now on the brink of stepping into the water of a new career opportunity that fills me with excitement rather than my previous options: diving head first into the unknown or staying stuck in exactly the same place I've been for a while. I'm still a little nervous but I'm more excited.
Mike, Finance, Surrey, 40s.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Nicola - Business Owner, Hampshire, 40s.

When you think about investing in support like this you naturally worry whether you’ll get anything out of it, now good the coach will be, and will I get insight but not know how to apply it?

After speaking with Lucia on the free starter call, my worries disappeared. I’d definitely recommend starting with a chat, you literally have nothing to loose. On that call I aired my concern that I might learn things about myself but still be left thinking ‘so what?’ Lucia recommended I did the Superpowers & Reset programme which would leave me understanding what criteria my new career needs to meet, as well as develop career ideas that meet it. After just 2 months of working together I have just that. I feel energised and excited and confident my career idea will make me much happier in my work life.

Over the last 10 years I have come up with lots of new business ideas but didn’t really know how to assess whether the ideas were right for me, and so never fully embraced them. After working with Lucia on her Superpowers and Reset programmes, I now have a criteria to understand what the right decision is for me and a new business idea that builds on this brilliantly.

Understanding my Superpowers gives me a way to assess and evaluate whether a potential career move is the right one for me. This has meant that I can fully embrace my next move knowing that I will enjoy it and find it rewarding.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Alex - Finance, Berkshire, 40s

The time I spent with Lucia was insightful, enlightening, motivating and fun.   She really helped me to understand what I really want rather than what I thought I wanted.  As a result of working with Lucia, I got great detailed insights into my own strengths, what specific type of career is most suited to me and how to go about achieving it.

I have been dealing with work stress which has been spilling into my weekends but since working with Lucia and doing some of her exercises, Sunday afternoons have been so much more relaxing.   I definitely have a higher degree of self-awareness and during our sessions I was able to think through lots of possible options and ideas that I may not have come up with myself.



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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Neill - Finance, Surrey, 40s

Lucia has a very engaging, insightful and professional approach which put me at ease and ensured there was mutual trust from the outset.  She was pivotal in helping me to challenge many preconceptions about myself and to gain a greater appreciation of what really matters in life.

By helping me to identify my “Superpowers”, she unlocked some fundamental insights into my natural skillsets and the extent to which they were being utilised (or not) in my chosen career.  I am now far more aware of the importance of using those natural skills in order to deliver greater work and life happiness.  As a direct result of Lucia’s guidance and counsel, they are at the forefront of my plans as I move into the next stage of my work life.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Liz - Business Owner, South Coast, 40s

I heard about Midlife Unstuck when I was in a fortunate position of having stepped away from my corporate career, taking some time out to decide on my next right move. The more I thought about what that move might look like and the more people I discussed it with however, the more blurred it became.

I wanted to become self-employed, but I had a number of potential directions I could go in. I struggled to decide how I could best delight my future customer. Importantly, I struggled to decide on the type of work I needed to do, to best delight the future me!

So when Lucia told me she would be able to find the answers, I was curious to know exactly how that would go! Lucia is warm, calm and empathetic, yet she will NOT let you off the hook. No matter how significant or insignificant a fact about your life or a comment you have made might appear, if she suspects there is a connection to the strengths you're looking to uncover which needs to be explored more fully, she will find all the right ways to question and probe around it until it becomes glaringly meaningful! Even before Lucia followed up with her spot-on assessment of my 6 clearly defined 'uber-strengths', I had already started to live them, simply as a result of the deep dive into my behaviours. What a transformation too! The whole coaching exercise gave me confidence like I'd not felt in years. It gave me structure to form a clear direction for my career from the options I had before me.

What's more, it excited me!

As a result, I have come away from this programme with 6 little statements about myself that have the power to transform my future. I may be at a midpoint in my career, but I've got everything to look forward to and I'm doing so with renewed energy and enthusiasm. And now I know exactly how to make that energy and enthusiasm sustainable.

Thank you Lucia!

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Chris - Technology Director, London, 40s

I’ve just this morning been offered a new role close to home within a smaller company who want me to bring my 20yrs of experience to help them and their clients grow. It’s shaping up to be a massive breath of fresh air: small; forward-looking; growing; devoid of bureaucracy; and enough money to live well enough on.   

In all sincerity I would not have found this role had I not a) consciously decided to escape [my former employer] before it spat me out even closer to 50 and b) gone in to meet them in a positive mindset, being clear on what I do well and what I wanted; I read your summary document before my meeting.

Both of these I have to give you full credit for, so sincere thanks go out to you for all your help.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Chris - Change Management, Cheshire, 40s

The Discover Your Superpowers programme has provided some truly valuable insights that could not have been achieved without Lucia’s tailored framework and expert guidance.

The energising effect of more consciously applying a core set of abilities has been almost immediate, and is proving a significant help in formulating options and making better choices.

The process itself is also enjoyable and so the programme comes highly recommended, especially for those exploring alternative career options or simply looking to get more out of their existing careers.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Helene - Not-for-Profit, Surrey, 40s

(This testimonial was offered to me recently, after I gave my lovely friend Helene a copy of my first ever book. She explains how we helped each other design our new careers over our weekly walks in the stunning Surrey Hills.)

3 years ago, I decided to change career, but was not exactly sure what to do next, how to start, where to start. Every one said it will come naturally to me…?? really ????

For a while, I went for a weekly walk with my friend Lucia. I loved these walks. I loved these talks. And we talked, we asked each other questions, wondered, imagined…

After many months, many walks and many miles, I realise how much these talks have helped me, supported me, and brightened my vision for my new career path….It did happen and it came to me.

She already knew she wanted to help others in their career change. She was ready to listen, asked the right questions and supported me. She did it for me. She was just not clear yet how. She was scared, worried, but so passionate and so good already!

Today, a few years’ later and after a long journey for both of us, I got her book. I’m so happy!

I don’t need to read it for my professional life, but I’m so eager to read it, to discover these stories, and the official way of ‘walking’ :-)

Thank you Lucia x

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Amanda - Sales, Berkshire, 40s

I honestly thought I wouldn’t be able to pinpoint my “superpowers” but Lucia proved me wrong. I really enjoyed the session we had. She was so skilled at making me see how I could use the things I do naturally to shape my work life and find some happiness every day.

Working with Lucia has helped me to think about my future and, whilst I am not looking for a radical change, I can really focus on asking the right questions to find an environment that will suit me.


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